Tag Archives: You

Walking away from narcistic abuse



Its hard sometimes yes, especially if you loved the individual, but walking away is the only way to win. I have walked away, yet still feel the abuse, but I know eventually I will have the last laugh.




I will be explaining the relationship, more so in my next post, as this one is about walking away.

Now it could be anyone in our life whether its a parent,child,lover,friend,sibling or other relative. Yes it can feel shameful to just up and leave, but why hold on to something that makes you feel worthless and BRI gs you down. If this person cared so much about you, they would lift you up,not push you down, where as they are still standing.



These people are weak, and will do anything to make you seem weaker, thus making them seem like the stronger and better person. They can’t accept their faults, and will never admit to being wrong,or their feelings of misdoubt. The only way they feel better about themselves is making sure you feel lower than them, or at their level. If you do not give them the attention or satisfaction that they deserve, you are immediately in the wrong. You can try all you want , but they will never change. If you tell them what kind of person they are,they will never admit it, and just tell you , your faults, changing the subject, so it turns back on you.

No one needs toxic people in their life, why surround yourself with negativity and drama??your better than that.

The best thing to do, is focus on the one person who truly matters, you know who that is??? Yes you, its you. Do what ever makes you happy, once you got rid of the narcissist,they can no longer control you. Life is once again in your hands.



Like the saying goes, the world is your oyster. Its your life, your ways, you,you,you. I’m not saying become egotistical, and make it all about you, but don’t allow anyone to make you feel down, and less than you are. We are all unique, and we are all individuals. No one can ever change who you are, so don’t let it be that way.


Smile, laugh and be near people who make you feel that way, and be proud you were strong enough to walk away from someone who made you feel the latter. No one is ever worth the headache and or/heartache

Walking away is the only way to show a narcissist that they no longer have you under their control.